The International Republican Institute's board consists of some of the most vehement opponents of the "trans agenda" in the US Senate
So why did they earmark millions in US tax dollars to recruit trans activists in Bangladesh?
Turns out GOP neocons are "tactically woke" abroad
Why did Republicans fund "transgender dance performances" in Bangladesh?
Documents obtained by The Grayzone show the GOP-run, US-funded
sees gay & transgender people as uniquely disruptive actors who can be recruited as regime change activists
As Trump attacks foreign spending on “woke” initiatives, a GOP-aligned outfit has largely escaped scrutiny, despite using taxpayer funds to sponsor “transgender dance performances” and what it called the “largest published survey of LGBTI people in Bangladesh.”
According to documents obtained by The Grayzone, the US-funded International Republican Institute sees gay and transgender people as uniquely disruptive actors who can be deployed to manipulate political realities overseas, stating, “LGBTI people tend to participate in social change activities to eventually bring changes to politics.”
it has been obvious for many years that the soft power apparatus uses homosexuality and transgender activism to undermine states then accuses states of evil when they crack down on it.
Putin was way ahead of the curve on this.
Why did Republicans fund ‘transgender dance’ in Bangladesh?